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About Us

Sai Prasad Vivah is Most Trusted & Successful Matrimony Portal in Hindu-Chambhar Community,SPV started working manually in 1993 from home and pioneered online in 2010.The service was found with simeple objective to help people find happiness.

Let's come and find the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Saiprasad Vivah

Matched By Saiprasad Vivah

Sai Prasad Vivah Has Created A Community-Renowned Service That Has Touched Over Thousand Of People

Upcoming Events


Saiprasad Vivah Held Community Melawa Every Year And Help Peoples To Find Thier Best Macthes.

11th Melawa

  • 2015

The objective of this melawa is to facilitate a quicker process of finding a perfect match of a partner.

10th Melawa

  • 2014

Melawa creates an opportunity to interact with the suitable Vadhu-var Melawa participants and their parents.

9th Melawa

  • 2013

Melawa Helps you to find the perfect match on easy and fast way where vadhi-Var can interact with each other.